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To get you started to contribute to the VSTeam Module we recommend the following steps.

Also check our general contribution guidelines which apply to all our projects.

Steps to contribute

  1. Visit and find the API you want to wrap.
  2. Explore the API and get familiar with it.
  3. Fork this repository and create a branch for your work.
  4. Install the SHiPS PowerShell module
  5. Install the Trackyon.Utils module
  6. Write help. It is important that you do this before you start adding the function.
  7. Write unit tests.
  8. Code the function.
  9. If needed: Add type file.
  10. If needed: Add format file.
  11. Update the file.
  12. Goto 4 for next function.

It is important for us that you write the help before you start adding the function. The reason is that we find if you write the documentation first, then you have a better concept on how you want to code your function.